Ivo“Yves Montand” LIVIAge: 70 years1921–1991
- Name
- Ivo“Yves Montand” LIVI
- Given names
- Ivo
- Nickname
- Yves Montand
- Surname
- Nickname
- Yves Montand
Birth | October 13, 1921 27 |
Death of a wife | Simone“Simone Signoret” KAMINKER September 30, 1985 (Age 63 years) |
Occupation | chanteur et acteur français Source: Acteurs Source: Chanteurs |
Death | November 9, 1991 (Age 70 years) |
Last change | April 12, 2019 – 16:57:03 by: Généalogie Magazine |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother |
Giuseppina SIMONI Birth: March 19, 1894 |
brother | |
himself |
Family with Simone“Simone Signoret” KAMINKER |
himself |
wife |
Birth: March 25, 1921 — Wiesbaden Death: September 30, 1985 — Autheuil-Authouillet |
Yves ALLÉGRET + Simone“Simone Signoret” KAMINKER |
wife’s husband |
Birth: October 13, 1905 40 — Asnières-sur-Seine Death: January 31, 1987 — Jouars-Pontchartrain |
wife |
Birth: March 25, 1921 — Wiesbaden Death: September 30, 1985 — Autheuil-Authouillet |
step-daughter |
Media object | Yves-Montand.png Format: image/png Image dimensions: 189 × 266 pixels File size: 48 KB Type: Photo |
- Generation 1
Ivo“Yves Montand” LIVI , chanteur et acteur français, son ofGiovanni LIVI andGiuseppina SIMONI , was born on October 13, 1921 in Monsummano Terme and died on November 9, 1991 in Senlis at the age of 70.