Christine GONETAge: 57 years1967–
- Name
- Christine GONET
- Given names
- Christine
- Surname
- Married name
- Christine MICHELI
Birth | July 14, 1967 |
Marriage | François MICHELI — View this family yes |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Lara MICHELI April 8, 1990 (Age 22 years) |
Last change | February 25, 2019 – 12:39:24 by: Généalogie Magazine |
Family with François MICHELI |
husband |
François MICHELI Birth: May 3, 1963 27 |
herself |
Christine GONET Birth: July 14, 1967 |
Marriage: — |
daughter |
- Generation 1
Christine GONET was born on July 14, 1967. She marriedFrançois MICHELI , son ofAntoine MICHELI andAlix de BARY ,. He was born on May 3, 1963.Children of
Christine GONET andFrançois MICHELI :Lara MICHELI (1990–)
- Generation 2back to top
Lara MICHELI , top model et présentatrice météo du Grand Journal de la chaîne Canal+, daughter ofFrançois MICHELI andChristine GONET , was born on April 8, 1990 in Genève, Région Lémanique, SUISSE,.Children of
Lara MICHELI andFrédéric BEIGBEDER :Oona BEIGBEDER (2015–)Léonard BEIGBEDER (2018–)
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