Christine GONETAge: 57 years1967

Christine GONET
Given names
Married name
Christine MICHELI
Birth July 14, 1967

MarriageFrançois MICHELIView this family

Birth of a daughter
April 8, 1990 (Age 22 years)
Last change February 25, 201912:39:24

by: Généalogie Magazine
  1. Generation 1
    1. Christine GONET was born on July 14, 1967. She married François MICHELI, son of Antoine MICHELI and Alix de BARY,. He was born on May 3, 1963.

      Children of Christine GONET and François MICHELI:

      1. Lara MICHELI (1990)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Lara MICHELI

      Lara MICHELI, top model et présentatrice météo du Grand Journal de la chaîne Canal+, daughter of François MICHELI and Christine GONET, was born on April 8, 1990 in Genève, Région Lémanique, SUISSE,.

      Children of Lara MICHELI and Frédéric BEIGBEDER:

      1. Oona BEIGBEDER (2015)
      2. Léonard BEIGBEDER (2018)
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