Nicolas Furcy VERNOISAge: 27 years1773–1801
- Name
- Nicolas Furcy VERNOIS
- Given names
- Nicolas Furcy
- Surname
Birth | April 27, 1773 39 38 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Madeleine FREMIN May 24, 1788 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | Capitaine du génie Source: Militaires |
Death | 1801 (Age 27 years) |
Last change | May 12, 2018 – 09:36:18 by: Généalogie Magazine |
Family with parents |
father |
Nicolas Furçy VERNOIS Birth: July 25, 1733 43 — Lagny sur Marne, 77, Seine et Marne, Ile de France, FRANCE, Death: March 17, 1807 — Lagny sur Marne, 77, Seine et Marne, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
mother |
Birth: October 5, 1734 21 Death: April 15, 1816 — Lagny sur Marne, 77, Seine et Marne, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
Marriage: January 10, 1769 — Dammarie-les-Lys, 77190, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, FRANCE, |
20 months elder brother |
Birth: September 21, 1770 37 35 — Lagny sur Marne, 77, Seine et Marne, Ile de France, FRANCE, Death: September 5, 1837 — Lagny sur Marne, 77, Seine et Marne, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
3 years himself |
Birth: April 27, 1773 39 38 — Lagny sur Marne, 77, Seine et Marne, Ile de France, FRANCE, Death: 1801 — Gizet |
Occupation | Militaires |
Media object | nicolasvernois.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 327 × 251 pixels File size: 57 KB Type: Photo |
- Generation 1
Nicolas Furcy VERNOIS , capitaine du génie, son ofNicolas Furçy VERNOIS andMadeleine Anne HENNEQUIN , was born on April 27, 1773 in Lagny sur Marne, 77, Seine et Marne, Ile de France, FRANCE, and died in 1801 in Gizet at the age of 27.