Sidonie Gabrielle COLETTEAge: 81 years1873–1954
- Name
- Sidonie Gabrielle COLETTE
- Given names
- Sidonie Gabrielle
- Surname
Birth | January 28, 1873 43 37 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Marie Thérèse Adélaïde FUNEL May 26, 1877 (Age 4 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Henri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS — View this family May 15, 1893 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Jules Joseph COLETTE September 17, 1905 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | femme de lettres Source: Ecrivains |
Separation | Henri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS — View this family 1907 (Age 33 years) _FNA: NO |
Divorce | Henri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS — View this family 1910 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Adèle Eugénie Sidonie“”Sido“” LANDOY September 25, 1912 (Age 39 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS — View this family December 19, 1912 (Age 39 years) Witness: Jean SAPÈNE — Relationship — Relationship Witness: Georges ALRIC — Relationship — Relationship Witness: René FRANÇOIS — Relationship — Relationship _FNA: NO Note: L'époux est alors directeur honoraire au ministère de la Justice, rédacteur en chef du journal Le Matin, chevalier de la Légion d'honneur.
Divorce | Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS — View this family 1925 (Age 51 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Henri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1931 (Age 57 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Maurice GOUDEKET — View this family April 3, 1935 (Age 62 years) _FNA: NO |
Honors | _FNA: NO |
_UST | Henri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS — View this family MARRIED |
_UST | Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS — View this family MARRIED |
_UST | Maurice GOUDEKET — View this family MARRIED |
Death | August 3, 1954 (Age 81 years) _FNA: NO Note: Après des funérailles nationales civilles au Palais-Royal, elle fut inhumée au cimetière du Père-Lachaise.
Burial | 1954 (Age 80 years) _FNA: NO |
Title | membre de l'Académie Goncourt, grand officier de la Légion d'honneur |
Last change | October 7, 2019 – 11:57:34 by: Généalogie Magazine |
Family with parents |
father |
Jules Joseph COLETTE Birth: September 26, 1829 30 26 — Toulon, 83137, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, FRANCE, Death: September 17, 1905 — Châtillon-Coligny, 45085, Loiret, Centre, FRANCE, |
mother |
Adèle Eugénie Sidonie“”Sido“” LANDOY Birth: August 12, 1835 42 43 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, ancien Vème arrondissement Death: September 25, 1912 — Châtillon-Coligny, 45085, Loiret, Centre, FRANCE, |
Marriage: December 20, 1865 — Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, 89368, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE, |
7 years herself |
Birth: January 28, 1873 43 37 — Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, 89368, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE, Death: August 3, 1954 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, 9 rue de Beaujolais, Ier arrondissement |
Mother’s family with Claude Jules Joseph ROBINEAU-DUCLOS |
step-father |
Claude Jules Joseph ROBINEAU-DUCLOS Birth: February 9, 1814 — Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, 89368, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE, Death: 1865 |
mother |
Adèle Eugénie Sidonie“”Sido“” LANDOY Birth: August 12, 1835 42 43 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, ancien Vème arrondissement Death: September 25, 1912 — Châtillon-Coligny, 45085, Loiret, Centre, FRANCE, |
Marriage: January 15, 1857 — Schaerbeek, , , , BELGIQUE, |
Family with Henri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS |
ex-husband |
Henri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS Birth: August 10, 1859 — Villiers-sur-Orge, 91685, Essonne, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, Death: 1931 |
herself |
Birth: January 28, 1873 43 37 — Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, 89368, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE, Death: August 3, 1954 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, 9 rue de Beaujolais, Ier arrondissement |
Marriage: May 15, 1893 — Châtillon-Coligny, 45085, Loiret, Centre, FRANCE, |
Divorce: 1910 — |
Family with Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS |
ex-husband |
Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS Birth: April 2, 1876 19 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIIIème arrondissement |
herself |
Birth: January 28, 1873 43 37 — Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, 89368, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE, Death: August 3, 1954 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, 9 rue de Beaujolais, Ier arrondissement |
Marriage: December 19, 1912 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, XVIème arrondissement |
Divorce: 1925 — |
daughter |
Family with Maurice GOUDEKET |
husband |
Maurice GOUDEKET Birth: August 3, 1889 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, |
herself |
Birth: January 28, 1873 43 37 — Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, 89368, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE, Death: August 3, 1954 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, 9 rue de Beaujolais, Ier arrondissement |
Marriage: April 3, 1935 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIIIème arrondissement |
Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS + Sarah Claire BOAS |
ex-husband |
Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS Birth: April 2, 1876 19 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIIIème arrondissement |
husband’s wife |
Sarah Claire BOAS Birth: 1879 Death: 1967 |
Marriage: December 26, 1902 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, IXème arrondissement |
Divorce: 1909 — |
step-son |
Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS + Germaine Sarah HÉMENT |
ex-husband |
Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS Birth: April 2, 1876 19 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIIIème arrondissement |
husband’s wife | |
Marriage: August 4, 1930 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIème arrondissement |
Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS + Ida de COMMINGES |
ex-husband |
Bertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS Birth: April 2, 1876 19 — Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIIIème arrondissement |
husband’s wife | |
step-son |
Renaud de JOUVENEL DES URSINS Birth: 1907 30 |
Marriage | L'époux est alors directeur honoraire au ministère de la Justice, rédacteur en chef du journal Le Matin, chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. |
Death | Après des funérailles nationales civilles au Palais-Royal, elle fut inhumée au cimetière du Père-Lachaise. |
Note | Romancière, auteur de plus de quarante volumes, dont la série des Claudine. |
Media object | SidonieGabrielleColette.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 220 × 347 pixels File size: 16 KB Type: Photo |
- Generation 1
Sidonie Gabrielle COLETTE , femme de lettres, daughter ofJules Joseph COLETTE andAdèle Eugénie Sidonie“”Sido“” LANDOY , was born on January 28, 1873 in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, 89368, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE, and died on August 3, 1954 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, 9 rue de Beaujolais, Ier arrondissement at the age of 81. She married 3 times. The first time she marriedHenri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS , son ofJean Albert GAUTHIER-VILLARS , on May 15, 1893 in Châtillon-Coligny, 45085, Loiret, Centre, FRANCE,. He was born on August 10, 1859 in Villiers-sur-Orge, 91685, Essonne, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, and died in 1931 at the age of 71.Sidonie Gabrielle COLETTE andHenri Jean Albert“Willy” GAUTHIER-VILLARS were divorced in 1910. The second time she marriedBertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS , son ofRaoul Marie Bertrand de JOUVENEL DES URSINS andJuliette Émilienne DOLLÉ , on December 19, 1912 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, XVIème arrondissement. He was born on April 2, 1876 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIIIème arrondissement.Sidonie Gabrielle COLETTE andBertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS were divorced in 1925. The third time she marriedMaurice GOUDEKET , son ofSalomon GOUDEKET andBerthe BONDY , on April 3, 1935 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE, VIIIème arrondissement. He was born on August 3, 1889 in Paris, 75, Ville-de-Paris, Ile-de-France, FRANCE,.Children of
Sidonie Gabrielle COLETTE andBertrand Hugues Léon Robert“Henry de JOUVENEL” de JOUVENEL DES URSINS :