Nicolas SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCAAge: 70 years1955–
- Name
- Given names
- Nicolas
- Surname
Birth | January 28, 1955 26 29 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Adèle BOUVIER February 24, 1956 (Age 12 months) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Bénédict MALLAH October 10, 1972 (Age 17 years) |
Marriage | Marie-Dominique CULIOLI — View this family 1982 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Jean SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA September 1, 1986 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Jean SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA 1986 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Cécilia CIGANER-ALBÉNIZ — View this family 1996 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Kalalin Hélèna Anne TOTH von CSAFORD 2000 (Age 44 years) |
Marriage | Carla BRUNI TEDESCHI — View this family 2008 (Age 52 years) |
Marriage of a child | Jean SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA — Jessica SEBAOUN — View this family September 10, 2008 (Age 53 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Andrée Jeanne MALLAH December 13, 2017 (Age 62 years) |
Occupation | Président de la République, Maire de Neuilly sur Seine Source: Personnalités politiques |
Last change | April 24, 2018 – 10:25:52 by: Généalogie Magazine |
Death of a father | Paul Etienne Ernest SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA March 4, 2023 (Age 68 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: May 5, 1928 32 26 — Budapest, , , , HONGRIE, Death: March 4, 2023 |
mother |
Andrée Jeanne MALLAH Birth: October 12, 1925 35 34 — Paris, Ile de France, FRANCE, Death: December 13, 2017 — Clamart |
Marriage: January 8, 1950 — Paris, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
5 years himself |
Birth: January 28, 1955 26 29 — Paris, 75, Paris, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
sibling | |
sibling |
Family with Cécilia CIGANER-ALBÉNIZ |
himself |
Birth: January 28, 1955 26 29 — Paris, 75, Paris, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
wife |
Birth: November 12, 1957 — Boulogne-Billancourt, 92100, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, FRANCE, |
Marriage: 1996 — |
son |
Family with Carla BRUNI TEDESCHI |
himself |
Birth: January 28, 1955 26 29 — Paris, 75, Paris, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
wife |
Marriage: 2008 — |
daughter |
Family with Marie-Dominique CULIOLI |
himself |
Birth: January 28, 1955 26 29 — Paris, 75, Paris, Ile de France, FRANCE, |
wife | |
Marriage: 1982 — |
son | |
son |
wife’s husband |
Birth: June 22, 1933 44 31 — Lyon, 69000, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, FRANCE, Death: September 14, 2007 — Biarritz, 64200, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Aquitaine, FRANCE, |
wife |
Birth: November 12, 1957 — Boulogne-Billancourt, 92100, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, FRANCE, |
Marriage: August 10, 1984 — Neuilly-sur-Seine, 92200, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, FRANCE, |
step-daughter |
Judith MARTIN Birth: August 22, 1984 51 26 |
3 years step-daughter |
Jeanne-Marie MARTIN Birth: June 8, 1987 53 29 |
Occupation | Personnalités politiques |
Media object | Nicolas Sarkozy.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 800 × 1,226 pixels File size: 154 KB Type: Photo |
- Generation 1
Nicolas SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA , président de la République, Maire de Neuilly sur Seine, son ofPaul Etienne Ernest SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA andAndrée Jeanne MALLAH , was born on January 28, 1955 in Paris, 75, Paris, Ile de France, FRANCE,. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedCécilia CIGANER-ALBÉNIZ in 1996. She was born on November 12, 1957 in Boulogne-Billancourt, 92100, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, FRANCE,. The second time he marriedCarla BRUNI TEDESCHI in 2008. She was born on December 23, 1967 in Turin. The third time he marriedMarie-Dominique CULIOLI in 1982.Children of
Nicolas SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA andCécilia CIGANER-ALBÉNIZ :Children of
Nicolas SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA andCarla BRUNI TEDESCHI :Children of
Nicolas SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA andMarie-Dominique CULIOLI :
- Generation 2back to top
Jean SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA , homme politique français, son ofNicolas SARKOZY de NAGY BOSCA andMarie-Dominique CULIOLI , was born on September 1, 1986. He marriedJessica SEBAOUN , daughter ofMarc-André SEBAOUN andIsabelle DARTY , on September 10, 2008. She was born on August 4, 1986.Children of